Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Basketball Banquet Ideas

Balkan Requiem for sex

The Lowdown is, of course, the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, the leader of Serbs in Bosnia during the wars caused by the implosion of Yugoslavia, which was known as the "Butcher of Sarajevo."

psychiatrist by profession, amateur writer (and worst poet, by the way *), Karadzic in Bosnia-Herzegovina embodied the dream of "Greater Serbia" as representative in the late twentieth century of irredentism, the remnant of nineteenth century Woodrow Wilson thought he had removed at the end of the Great War.


camouflaged, however, as they could witness the many victims of the Third Balkan War (more than eighty years after the first two), followed latent nationalism behind the facade of socialism and its society "classless" (and, of course, without differences or national privileges). As a representative mosaic of the crossroads of civilizations, triple hinge uniting Catholic, Orthodox and Muslims, Yugoslavia had a multicultural existence only through the dominance of the ruling League of Communists of Yugoslavia. It disappeared, disappeared also the cohesion as rigorously monitor the eponymous hero of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito. And every people demanded blood and fire that considered him, in what became a veritable slaughter of all against all.

crimes Karadžić not have been possible only in an environment of exalted nationalism and distrust towards others, hatred against anyone would say that was not part of "our." Before that collapse, Sarajevo was known and praised for its multicultural atmosphere for the peaceful coexistence of its three main communities. In the same building families could live together without problems Serb, Croat and Bosnian abounded even intermarriage.

All this disappeared at once, the cry of war proclaimed by Slobodan Milošević, then president of Serbia, collected by Karadžić in turn led to political and military terms by General Ratko Mladic.

We know that history is a great teaser: the three most responsible for the unspeakable tragedy Balkans, Milosevic died in a cell at criminal court established to try war criminals in Yugoslavia, Karadzic managed to evade the hand of justice over twelve years, Mladic, meanwhile, remains at large.

Now that Karadzic's arrest made the news again in the situation in the former Yugoslavia, the question is if they are responsible not only disappeared, but the real causes of this ethnocide fratricide. I think that not enough measures are taken to prevent a similar outbreak, there or anywhere else on the planet. Hatred ancestral, historical mistrust, intolerance to anything that smacks of difference continue incubating until man learns to live in peace with himself.

* To sample this button:
I was born to live without grave
this body will never die
is not only to smell the flowers
but also to burn, kill and reduce to dust.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sample Lease Expiration Letter

Gender Seeking solace

In English, the kind of words do not always agree with the sex of the things they design. For example, member is a masculine word, but may appoint a woman. A film star can be male, regardless the word is feminine. And, of course, person belongs to the female gender but to appoint a man, woman or any intermediate category (that is, oh, yeah! Sure there).

However, buenaondez that invades from the north wants us to be correct when speaking and avoid insulting people calling as required by the grammar. Thus emerged the cumbersome periphrasis of the type [(masculine noun) + (feminine noun)], so fashionable during the Fox administration, which proliferated kids and little girls.

But there is a hint of modesty. For example, when a man described may say: "I am a kind, loyal and very friendly", without realizing that the agreement requires sympathetic corresponds to the gender (not sex) of the qualifying word, ie person . In fact, it should say it's nice . Of course, for our male moustached unthinkable apply an adjective in the feminine. Do not go to waste eggs by walking appearing as if it were part of viejerío!

This difference between grammatical gender and biological sex seems to go unnoticed by the militants of the equality of the sexes, who insist on speaking of "gender" when want to refer to relations between the sexes or, more specifically, submission to the situation where the woman is with men.

course, is part of the dominant buenaondez dictionary neglect these problems. After all, what matters is the substance, not form, and that to walk looking at the words used seem displays of pettiness, narrow-mindedness and purity of date.

But personally, I think the problem is reversed. If language is a product of society that uses it, insist on changing it without changing the designated reality is, indeed, a mere exercise in rhetoric. What good is raising in his address to the "citizens" when in reality they are so marginalized as ever?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

How Much Does Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Cost

The repetition of the issues do not indicate a lack of originality but persistence of obsessions: time, space and everything that happens between the two. Caught in the cross frames go from one point to another wondering what comes next. Admit it: it is a humbling experience for the 'king of creation. " Given this ignorance, we submit to anyone who will offer us even a glimmer of consolation at least, teachers, spiritual guides and gurus, and in despair, any charlatan who promises to solve our anguish. Van