ruined holiday compensation The information contained in catalogs, brochures and information sheets provided by the Agency have not proven true? Contact us to get the compensation of damage.
Information shown in catalogs, brochures and information sheets are binding for tour operator and, therefore, all discrepancies found during the holiday damage to the tourist right to obtain compensation of damage .
the rules set to protect the tourist, is to protect the concrete use of property, the vacancy , characterized by a particular existential value in the lives of people who spend most of their time at work, the legislature, therefore, has drawn up legislation designed to ensure the correspondence between the expectations leisure, rest, avoidance learning that a vacation can make and supply from the commercial tour operator organizer of the trip.
All discrepancies discovered on holiday, for example, lack of essential services , poor hygienic conditions of the accommodation, the beach not feasible, change the schedules of arrival and re-entry different aircraft inconvenience, damage to the tourist and then right to act in order to obtain the refund of the holiday ie compensation for damages for ruined holidays .
If no or delayed baggage passenger, coinciding with a holiday, the airline has to pay, in addition to the damage made by the entity's reimbursement of expenses incurred to procure the necessary goods for the holiday-, also damage ruined holiday, meaning that this is not strictly determined by economic hardship endured to track luggage and to procure the basic necessities have gone astray. And 'what established the Justice of Peace Mass in its ruling of November 13 200 3.
Lost Luggage . And 'the subject of the sentence handed down by Judge Peace Pozzuoli on June 23, 2010 which has once again confirmed that under the regulations dictated by the Montreal Convention, the airline is liable in respect of each passenger and his luggage unless he shows that he took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid damage to the passenger.