just goes outperforming the year and you overlook signs of steep is the famous January slope : olives pitted, which until a few weeks ago I went out at $ 7.80, now at $ 10.20. Sure, I could cuestionárseme the need to buy pitted olives, but the bone that come with are not much cheaper. And, moreover, does not serve to make tomato sauce for pasta, believe me, your blender will thank you.
However, the year begins with other concerns, beyond the pecuniary and its impact on the culinary. What was once called the Near East, now disappeared in favor of the Middle East back to the center of the news with the operation launched by Israel against Gaza. hastily qualified disproportionate by the press and most of the opinólogos statements, the attack is directed to at least neutralize Hamas, if not liquidate entirely, to prevent further firing rockets into Israel.
Israeli formula, of course, is ancient and is condensed in the notion that the dog died Scatter of doubtful applicability in case, in which rabies is caused by despair to a conflict in which, like Penelope's web, is back at night as you go through the day. And the talks at Camp David? What processes Madrid and Oslo? Plans are going and plans, are developed aberrantly called road maps to peace , issued resolutions from the Security Council of the UN, truces, agreements and negotiations: anything goes. Over forty years after the Six Day War, Palestinians remain homeless and without hope of attaining it.
Annapolis Under the agreements, by this time and there would be a Palestinian state, with perhaps capital Ramallah, not in Jerusalem as they insist, but something might start. But no, far from having entered the new year in their own country, suffering from the deadly gazaítas Tsahal harassment. Tell them how expensive are the olives to see what they think.
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