Friday, March 25, 2011

Is Perrier Water Bad For You


That day, I am sure
loved me with all my heart.
I do not know what it was.
Maybe because I left ...

- I'll forget, "you said.
Oh, your absence will be long,
and out of sight ...
this has to be always in my soul.

You'll see when I return.
will write many letters.
Goodbye, goodbye ... - You gave me your hand
soft pink

and between my fingers, your hand, trembling with emotion
... I felt the touch of a ring as a touch vague

I did not dare to look at you,
but without seeing the eyes could see

you gently misted with tears.

I said it
your hand in mine abandoned, and that thrill

and that tremor in your soul.

me I never wanted
as then, silent and pale.
... It was barely three days they were brides
our souls.

Words: Gerardo Diego
Picture: Internet

Love is when
sometimes cold, brings warmth,
joy, tears and sorrow,
feeling, light, passion.
motor awareness, poor
innocence and sin

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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CANDIDATE CHAKANA complaint to WHO accused of transmitting OATS are detrimental

Congress candidate Republic Region by Lima-Provinces, Roberto Rojas Montes has come forward those who have accused him of having given bad oats in last Sunday while conducting a tour of the districts in Imperial and San Vicente.

After clarifying that is a lie of those who do not offer proposals announced it will prosecute those journalists released as reckless and false allegations.

Montes Rojas was yesterday in the CP "Nuevo Ayacucho" He met the mayor of the village and residents with Joaquin Ayala who spoke extensively committed in providing sincere support by emphasizing that he will fight to end the border problem with the enactment of the law that defines the provinces of Cañete and Chincha.

chakana candidate has been, until now, the first of the region Lima-Provinces in placing advertising in the area that looks several pints of Ica and Chincha candidates.

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Mira, Zaide,
notice you do not spend on my street,
or speak with my servants, nor to my captive

not ask what I understand,
or who comes to visit, or what parties
give me taste, or what colors I
pleasure. Just

because of you that leave me in the face, run

Moor have looked so little known.

confess that you are brave, that cleaves
, rajas and parts,
and more Christians have died
you have drops of blood.

That you are dashing horseman
to dance, sing and Tanes, well-bred gentleman

As you can imagine. White and blond

elucidated lineage
the cock of the bluster
cream of pleasantries.

I lose a lot to lose, I win a lot
and, if you were born mute, adoring

And for this inconvenience
determined to leave you, you are prodigal

language and sour your frivolities.

will need to wear
who wishes to maintain you,
a fortress in the chest and lips
a warden. Much can

with the ladies
heartthrobs of your parties, because they want spirited

that cleave and tear.

More with this, Zaide friend
if they make a feast, plate
your favors
want to eat and shut up. Expensive

was that I did;
whether to retain knew, and knew
make me.

But just came out of the gardens
when you made of yours and my
misery boast. A morillo

bastard taught me
said braid my hair
to put you in the turban.

ask me not return, nor
or save it;
but I want you to understand, Moor,
that you bring my misfortune. I am also certified

how he defied
for the truths he said;
were never true. Reluctantly

donoso what nonsense!
you do not keep your secret,
! You want someone else to save?

admit I do not want excuses;
back to warn you again:
that this is the season
you see me and talk to you. He said the discreet

the proud Abencerraje Zaida,
and leave replies:
who may do, that such pay.

Words: Lope de Vega
Picture: Internet

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Different Types Of Gnats

Zaida RAYUELA (fragment)

Maga and I grew cane on words, just a few hours separate us and a few blocks and my sorrow penalty is called, my love called my love ... Every time I will feel less and remember more, but what is the memory but the language of feelings, a dictionary of expensive perfumes and days and returning as verbs and adjectives in the speech, ahead of overlapping to the thing itself, the This pure, sad, or vicariously by teaching until the self becomes vicar, the face that looks back open big eyes, the true face gradually cleared as in the old photos and Janus is at once any us.
This is what I am telling Crevel Maga but I talk with now are so far. And do not talk with words that have only served to not understand, it's too late now begin to choose other, those of her, wrapped in what she understands and has no name, auras and air twitch tensions between two bodies or filled with gold dust a room or a verse. "But we have not lived like this all the time, gently lacerating? No, we lived well, she would have liked but once again I sat down again concealing the false order chaos, to pretend that I gave to a life deep water just played terrible with the toes. There are rivers metaphysical she is nothing like swimming that swallow air, spinning around the tower hallucinating, flopping to get up better with the momentum. I describe and define and desire these rivers, it's nothing. I seek, I find, I look from the bridge, it's nothing. And do not know, looked just like the swallow. No need to know how I can live in the disorder without any awareness of the hold order. This disorder is mysterious order, this bohemian body and soul that opens wide the doors real. His life is not disorder but me, prejudices buried in contempt and respect at the same time. I inevitably doomed to be acquitted by the Maga who judges me without knowing it. Ah, let me in, lemme see some day as your eyes.

Words: Julio Cortázar
Image: Ana Serrano

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Swatch Dream Matte Mousse


With a little late but I could not update soon, sorry, I had problems with internet. Had prepared some poems for the arrival of spring and to honor the day of the poetry that was yesterday, but it was not possible. It is also true that since this blog every day trying to do a tribute to poetry and I thank all who pass by and stop to read them.
I welcome the spring (despite being allergic I like the spring). And the southern hemisphere friends who pass through here I wish you a happy autumn and ask them to greet me don fall for me.
This morning I asked how she felt carpeting April the steps to drawing leaves and sunsets with colors of fire. Here
April carpeting of flowers and anger will gradually turning the dark swallows.

Happy Spring, Northern Hemisphere! ... ... Happy autumn, southern hemisphere!

Words: Ana Serrano

The dark swallows will return in your balcony to hang their nests,
and again with the wing to play call

But those who refrained flight
your beauty and my happiness,
those who learned our names ...
those ... not return!.

will return the thick honeysuckle in your garden walls to climb,
and again in the evening even more beautiful
its flowers open.

But those, of dew which drops

watched tremble and fall like tears of the day ...
those ... not return!

will return the love in your ears burning words
to sound;
your heart from its slumbers
may awaken.

But silent and absorbed and
knees as you worship God at his altar,
as I have loved you ...; kid yourself,
well ... do not want!

Words: Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
Picture: Internet

Monday, March 21, 2011

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At a press conference, the mayor of the municipal district of New Imperial, Zulma Matumay Santos, announced the major activities planned by the II FESTIVAL OF THE GRAPE , EL PISCO AND WINE 2011, has now called Wine Festival and the New Imperial traditions to the world.

The main activities include the election and coronation of Miss Vintage 2011, exhibition and sale of liquor and later grapes and sports.

The conference was presented to the 11 lovely candidates representing each wine producer and restaurant in the town who have joined this important holiday.

The candidates are following:

Yamely 1 .- Natalia Fernández Torres

2 .- Aguado Veronica Barrios

3 .- Geraldine Sanchez Ravello

4 .- Sheyla Sanchez

5 .- Cinthya Rivera Montalbán

6 .- Yessenia Mercedes Paz Andrade

7 .- Perla Fernandez Stephany Matos

8 .- Giannina Campos Fabián

9 .- Denisse Vicente Román

10 .- Gisela Ramos Matos

11 .- Maryurit Callahualpa Tadeo.

The beauty contest will be this Friday March 25th from 9:00 pm on full parade in his district.

One of the new products showcased this year is the presence of numerous artists from several municipalities that have joined in the Commonwealth such as Cerro Azul, San Luis, Quilmaná and Lunahuaná.

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Eddy Deck must carry a heavy cross on the duration of his tenure as mayor of Imperial district, and also assume a battered management also left as a legacy a million dollar debt.

One of them is the Essalud, a heritage that makes him embarrassed as he has been included in the list of top 100 employers liable to pay public-sector debt is not tax due on no contribution to the insured Essalud.

in various national print media, District Municipality Imperial appears in a list ranked at number 93 Essalud a debt amounting to S /. 106.643 and that does not appear in any other province of Cañete.

According to the note, the debt is 31 January of this year and we provide facilities to comply with your payment:

- Pay with cash, pay 20% interest. If the debt prior to December 1998n applies an additional discount of 5% of the capital.

- Payment by installments may be paid up to 60 shares, pay down payment from 5 to 10% discount of 10% interest debt, among other benefits they may know by contacting the Collection Management and Recovery indicate.


it is recalled that a few weeks ago and has been gaining Essalud whenever debt through court action is daily gaining 50% of what enters the municipal coffers for the next month is already complete with the most charged 120 thousand suns owed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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When you weeks ago the provincial mayor Conde Montoya María Cañete was attacked by a group of people in the CP "Nuevo Ayacucho" after hoisting the national flag and the flag of voices rose Cañete of people who sympathized with her and was angry with what happened.

Some politicians took the opportunity to go out and show his "malaise", "outrage" including some figurettis even said "I cut my veins for the defense of my dear Cañete", "I kill for my beloved Cañete and all kinds of words and phrases that wanted to show his "great love for this blessed land.

Some media came to promote a high concentration for the dignity of Cañete and invited to attend the raising the following Sunday. There are several candidates noted that they moved into the town center where you took pictures and gave statements for the press where they said they would defend the limits of Cañete.

Everything has been more than words and demonstrate the opportunism that characterizes not consistent with what they say and do every time they have not stuck a poster and have not located or a giant, have done or a mural painted on one have not even gone to the scene to talk to people.

PRESS GUTVAL went for two consecutive days to New Ayacucho and was able to verify in situ that there is nothing of an appearance of "our candidates." In dialogue with the mayor of the village Joaquin Ayala regretted this situation given that only advertising is iqueños candidates.

"I invite you to come here if they say they want to support and defend, I offer to come and provide housing for people who want to make their pints, the hope here," he said.

will have to wait in the course of this week a candidate "cañetano" are encouraged to visit the town center of worry and regret saying the situation in which they live and also do some painting or at least stick their posters to note that it is part of Cañete.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lock And Dam Fees Arkansas River

Dad and know him and know him not long ago I dedicated an entry in this blog: TO MY FATHER (Dodsworth)
Today, with the permission of all, I return to dedicate a post. He I owe what I am and I am proud to have him always by my side. And I admire above all the grandeur and simplicity of his soul.
I want to wish a happy day to all and especially to all the Josephs. Josefas, Pepes, Nuggets, Maria Joses, and of course to all parents. And a very special memory for everyone that life took from his father's hands.

Words: Ana Serrano


I have in the home a single sovereign
who worships my soul;
is its crown-haired,
honor is his law and under his guidance.

In slow hours of misery and grief filled
strong and manly constancy,
keep the faith with which I spoke of heaven
in the first few hours of my childhood.

Prohibition's bitter and sadness in his soul opened
incurable wound
is old and carries in his head
the dusty road of life. Go

fierce storms of the world, the fate
miserable hours,
and passes, as Christ the Tiberias
standing on the hours curled.

Dry your tears, your pain is silent,
and only his eyes fixed duty, collects

thorns and flowers spilled on the path laid out for their children.

She said: "Whoever is good, bitterness ever
her cheeks wet with tears:
in the world the chance
flower at the slightest blow leaves are removed.

"Do good without fear of sacrifice,
man has to fight serene strong, and is
who hates evil and vice
a bed of roses in death.

"If you are poor, be content and be good;
if you're rich, it protects the poor,
and the same in your home than in the outside
save your honor to live honest.

"loves liberty, free is the man and his judge
more severe the conscience as much as you honor
save your name,
for my name and my honor to be your inheritance."
This code, in my soul could, since I heard it
be recorded;
in all storms was my shield,
of all storms has saved me.

My father is in his look serene
true reflection of his honest conscience;
much loving and good advice
surprised in the glare of his eyes!

The nobility of the soul is the nobility, the glory of duty
is his glory;
is poor but their poverty
holds the largest page in its history.

As the worship of my soul your love,
as luck would have to honor his name,
out love child who inspired me the most sacred
inspiration of man. I

heaven singing
always inspires me with love eyes to see,
and all the verses of my lyre
these are worthy of its name.

Words: Juan de Dios Peza
Image: Ana Serranao

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MY FATHER LIFE goes to meet José Luis Martín Vigil

Yesterday we finished reading the book "Life goes to meet" by José Luis Martín Vigil and today I tell the value of the book by the club.
has been a somewhat controversial book as a part of the club they liked reading, others were choked from the beginning and others decided they did not read it. Yet the book has been a pretty good score staying close to a seven.
The protagonist of the novel is Ignacio, a boy of 15 who is confined in a school run by priests in the post-war Spain. Ignacio will discover in this difficult stage that is adolescence, love, life itself, death of loved ones.
Club members who lived through that period of postwar remembered his adolescence and adolescence compared with boys today.
I did not experience that time, but what if I lived was all walk this way, those steps that we all take in one form or another through adolescence.
I also had 15.

Words: Ana Serrano
Picture: Internet

How Long Does My Hair To Get A Weave


In a clear provocation and interference in foreign lands, yesterday attended the COP "New Ayacucho Ica regional president Alonso Navarro and the mayor of the province of Chincha Lucio Juarez.

Ica Both authorities attended the town center cañetano to give away school supplies and haircuts to children studying in school they manage there.

About 30 people gathered to receive support and be benefited by the "solidarity assistance" that just happens when some authorities had cañetanas Friday scheduled to make similar donations to students in the IEP "Andres Avelino Caceres."

Tempers were exasperated when the mayor approached the scene of the town center Joaquin Ayala who got "face" by claiming that they were in areas of the province of Cañete, prompting some people booed and hissed him.

Minutes later the mayor was present in the province of Cañete, Mary Montoya Conde commissioner accompanied by the PNP San Vicente Luis Herrera Ayca but failed to meet the authorities and neighbors who chose to retire to appreciate their arrival.

Even in the southern delegation Chincha were several journalists were limited only to shoot from a distance but did not stop to interview the mayor and tell him straight cañetana what they think as they do in their radio and television programs in Chincha.

What was learned is that the regional president of Ica has committed to support more strongly with the understanding that works and achieve accept the sympathy and support of the people settled in the area.

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While various educational institutions in the province of Cañete pray, make marches, memorials and send all kinds of events dealing FORSUR draw attention to the reconstruction of their classrooms in the CP "Nuevo Ayacucho" have for more than half a million soles to build classroom, but in a school that administers the Ugel of Chincha.

CAÑETE good morning in situ that could have begun the work of construction of classrooms in the IEP "Lorenzo Canepa Pachas" forsure resources that have been transferred to the Municipality Grotius Prado-Chincha for execution.

placed in an information panel on the income of that population center cañetano can see that the investment amount is S /. 517,792.12 soles and notes that the work is located in the CP "Nuevo Ayacucho, Grotius district Prado-Chincha-Ica.

This work is executed on land not owned by the district chinchano but authorities have been doing despite what they know is of Cañete.

About 20 workers are running the work that has run completion on 10 May this year to a student population that is less to another educational institution the Ugel 08, Cañete has in place and has more students.

But this work from the authorities on the grounds cañetanos Chincha Concon is not unique since there have recently built a computer room with 6 computers and implemented, while in Canete there is not a .

This instructive and indoctrinate children and adolescents more comfortable with the Chincha province of Cañete that, continually been supporting and assisting the works unlike our regional authorities provincial.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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is not the skin that stings,
or the voices that call,
is not the hand that trembles,
or bleeding wound,
not weeping eyes, arms
nor related,
are mouths to kiss, caress
not advancing, not
is beating it hurts, or is
aroma that intoxicates,
not accusing fingers, gestures
nor tear:
life is seething
between sleep, words that seduce and amaze
that beat and cheat, because they fly and live
because they are born and escape,

because they want to avoid, and kill
and crackle.

is not the skin that feels.
not skin
is the soul.

Words: Antonia Álvarez Álvarez
Picture: Internet

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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water as it slides down my back!
How wet my skirt,
and put on my cheeks their freshness of snow!
Rain, rain, rain, and I
, path forward, with the soul
light and radiant face,
without feeling without dreams, full of lust
not to think.

A bird bathing in a muddy pond. My presence is surprised,
stops ... I look ... we are friends ... We both love
many heavens, and wheat fields!

After the shock of a passing farmer with his hoe on his shoulder
and rain covers me all the hedges fragrances
And, on my body soaked by water
a wonderful and great played
crystal drops, leafless flower
to turn to my step amazed plants.
And I feel, the emptiness
the brain without sleep, the voluptuous pleasure
infinite, sweet and unknown, one minute
Rain, rain, rain, and I have
soul and flesh, like a fresh snow.

Words: Juana de Ibarbourou
Picture: Internet

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sprite Map Of Gold And Silve


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With kindling load.