Saturday, December 27, 2008
How Long Do The Effects Of Alli Last
I will not make the mistake of myself to make New Year's resolutions. If written on paper, just merged, wrinkled, lost in the midst of what, with excess of optimism, I call my file. If inventory on the computer, the document would end up forgotten in the midst of the uproar that is the My Documents folder. And published in this humble site would only give my enemies weapons or motives of pity my friends. ("Did you see what is proposed for the new year Yorch dude?" I can almost hear it say, in a tone of sympathy and alarm between.)
The end of the year, as is suitable to count, no necessarily the best time to refine and define directions address. Or still in the post-Christmas euphoria driven by alcohol and consumerism, or are in the seasonal depression, fostered by the lack of sun exposure and the worrying news coming from everywhere. In any case, the goals defined in such a state of mind will seem flimsy once arrived in April or May ("What I decided what?"). Let us note
evidence: the calendar that governs today is far removed from nature. A new cycle? Yes, Chucha, of course: 31 December and 1 January are indistinguishable. Some, of course, recognize the second from the raw excesses of the former, but that was no longer my case long ago.
However, I aspire to be a man of my time and that is to assume certain responsibilities and social traditions. In that spirit, and responding to an inner desire that has driven me for some years to concoct these notes, I will in order to not to abandon this blog, as I have for several seasons since we started five years ago. And in that vein I take this opportunity to wish all three of my readers a happy new year.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Model Number Hb-p90d23al-dj Will Not Work
Again the Memorial
temporarily away from each of these writing exercises some posts disproportionate call and when you refresh, you realize that no where. In recent months things have been ant color (not to say that the future is black, so they do not think I'm making a joke easy as pie at the expense of the next occupant of the White House): a financial crisis, we announce Media joyful to find such similarity is the worst since the 1929 crisis that opened the door to the Great Depression, a country that is falling apart in your hands spurious inept leadership, a better organized crime that the state forces to combat it, a plane crash that given the quality of their victims, says it has more overtones of attack. And of course, note, not the day or week, but more than half a century (if we date the birth of the civil rights movement in America with the Rosa Parks incident, on 1 December 1955): a black man for president of the United States.
course, as already outlined in a previous note, Obama is more mestizo and black identity is something that he himself proposed to acquire, it was not until his college years when he was in contact with "a true black." Anyway, the American people has led to the highest office in the country represents a significant advance in the mentality of a nation founded on slavery and segregation.
His victory, however, not only due to his charisma and his message of hope. Was largely based on Dobleú serious blunders in their lies to take the country to war in Iraq, abuses of power covered under the banner of the "war on terror" in his Olympian disdain for the middle class Forgotten in favor of the big bourgeoisie, that 5% of the population holds 40% of the country's wealth. But let's be clear: if the errors Bush would have affected not only "from afar", the average American could continue to support it in the name of patriotism and national security. Ah, but when that same blunder he hits the pocket, when the man in the street is reduced prospects of financial survival by 30% or 40% when left homeless when their retirement pension will become smoke through the fingers that's when he begins to wonder if there will be more prudent to bet on the hope of change to the continuity of the crisis.
Wait, do not live in such a change Mexiquito eight years ago when we took the PRI de Los Pinos? Well, that analysis should be undertaken later, more calmly.
temporarily away from each of these writing exercises some posts disproportionate call and when you refresh, you realize that no where. In recent months things have been ant color (not to say that the future is black, so they do not think I'm making a joke easy as pie at the expense of the next occupant of the White House): a financial crisis, we announce Media joyful to find such similarity is the worst since the 1929 crisis that opened the door to the Great Depression, a country that is falling apart in your hands spurious inept leadership, a better organized crime that the state forces to combat it, a plane crash that given the quality of their victims, says it has more overtones of attack. And of course, note, not the day or week, but more than half a century (if we date the birth of the civil rights movement in America with the Rosa Parks incident, on 1 December 1955): a black man for president of the United States.
course, as already outlined in a previous note, Obama is more mestizo and black identity is something that he himself proposed to acquire, it was not until his college years when he was in contact with "a true black." Anyway, the American people has led to the highest office in the country represents a significant advance in the mentality of a nation founded on slavery and segregation.
His victory, however, not only due to his charisma and his message of hope. Was largely based on Dobleú serious blunders in their lies to take the country to war in Iraq, abuses of power covered under the banner of the "war on terror" in his Olympian disdain for the middle class Forgotten in favor of the big bourgeoisie, that 5% of the population holds 40% of the country's wealth. But let's be clear: if the errors Bush would have affected not only "from afar", the average American could continue to support it in the name of patriotism and national security. Ah, but when that same blunder he hits the pocket, when the man in the street is reduced prospects of financial survival by 30% or 40% when left homeless when their retirement pension will become smoke through the fingers that's when he begins to wonder if there will be more prudent to bet on the hope of change to the continuity of the crisis.
Wait, do not live in such a change Mexiquito eight years ago when we took the PRI de Los Pinos? Well, that analysis should be undertaken later, more calmly.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Asperger's Syndrome Pilot Licence
Solzhenitsyn talacha
criticize the editors of Le Monde to the AFP for having called the newly deceased dissident Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, stating that the term should apply to them is to opponent. And explain that, although relational meaning between two words there is a difference that should be noted: the maverick is "the critical part of a system or a movement of ideas."
However, Solzhenitsyn himself was a dissident, to the extent that, at least before being a political prisoner, he shared ideals and common values \u200b\u200bwhich put him in jail and exile were his views on Stalin, whom he considered "evil ideologue and strategist worse." That itself was revealed as a dissident, and walk expressing their views in a personal letter he sent to a friend from the front of East Prussia, was considered a traitor and sentenced to eight years in prison. Leaves no wonder that, in the midst of war (well, almost at the end, as this was in February 1945), Stalin and his henchmen had time to groom walking behavior of others in search of opinions contrary to official canon. In any case, if death is the maximum loss that may sustain life, Solzhenitsyn has to be elated to get out of jail the same day that Stalin died on 5 March 1953.
was released from prison, but was not free: the labor camps "corrective" (administered by an agency whose acronym gave the title to one of his best known works, The Gulag Archipelago ) was sent into internal exile in Kazakhstan . While there he was diagnosed with cancer that nearly cost him his life. In addition, the year prior to his departure from the labor camps, his wife, so supportive she filed for divorce. With so many hits is it that Solzhenitsyn has left his political ravings and it became deeply religious.
Then in 1962 came the publication of A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich , registered political maneuvering by Nikita Khrushchev to accelerate the process of de-Stalinization. But for his next book, Cancer Ward in 1965, Nikita was history and the Union of Soviet Writers was censured him rudely.
The publication history of the Gulag Archipelago is a real ray of Soviet control methods. Written from 1958 to 1968, towards the end of the work was kidnapped by the KGB. Well, one of the copies that existed was abducted, before that had been smuggled out and taken to Switzerland, where it was published in 1973. His impact was enormous in the West, if While the left derided as anti-Soviet propaganda.
The fall of the Soviet Union and the opening of its secret archives confirm not only the veracity of Solzhenitsyn, but also show that in many cases was short, for example, when he says that from 1930 to 1939, the fourth part of the population of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) disappeared in the gulag.
Anyway, dissident or opposition, whatever it is called, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn was primarily a critic who, if put in his sights to the Soviet system was not to curry favor with the West, but with the intention of seeing its best country. One of the reasons for not you can easily label is also criticized calls Western democracies, which he accused of having lost its soul in the process of modernization.
Solzhenitsyn What was it? Perhaps he was a mystic prophet, a visionary embittered by the blindness of his contemporaries, a disillusioned man of the century, a troubled soul for his orphan by birth, by the early death of his mother, by the hunger of his youth and war of adulthood, the political persecution of his life, never satisfied by the hope of seeing his country free of tyrants.
criticize the editors of Le Monde to the AFP for having called the newly deceased dissident Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, stating that the term should apply to them is to opponent. And explain that, although relational meaning between two words there is a difference that should be noted: the maverick is "the critical part of a system or a movement of ideas."
However, Solzhenitsyn himself was a dissident, to the extent that, at least before being a political prisoner, he shared ideals and common values \u200b\u200bwhich put him in jail and exile were his views on Stalin, whom he considered "evil ideologue and strategist worse." That itself was revealed as a dissident, and walk expressing their views in a personal letter he sent to a friend from the front of East Prussia, was considered a traitor and sentenced to eight years in prison. Leaves no wonder that, in the midst of war (well, almost at the end, as this was in February 1945), Stalin and his henchmen had time to groom walking behavior of others in search of opinions contrary to official canon. In any case, if death is the maximum loss that may sustain life, Solzhenitsyn has to be elated to get out of jail the same day that Stalin died on 5 March 1953.
was released from prison, but was not free: the labor camps "corrective" (administered by an agency whose acronym gave the title to one of his best known works, The Gulag Archipelago ) was sent into internal exile in Kazakhstan . While there he was diagnosed with cancer that nearly cost him his life. In addition, the year prior to his departure from the labor camps, his wife, so supportive she filed for divorce. With so many hits is it that Solzhenitsyn has left his political ravings and it became deeply religious.
Then in 1962 came the publication of A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich , registered political maneuvering by Nikita Khrushchev to accelerate the process of de-Stalinization. But for his next book, Cancer Ward in 1965, Nikita was history and the Union of Soviet Writers was censured him rudely.
The publication history of the Gulag Archipelago is a real ray of Soviet control methods. Written from 1958 to 1968, towards the end of the work was kidnapped by the KGB. Well, one of the copies that existed was abducted, before that had been smuggled out and taken to Switzerland, where it was published in 1973. His impact was enormous in the West, if While the left derided as anti-Soviet propaganda.
The fall of the Soviet Union and the opening of its secret archives confirm not only the veracity of Solzhenitsyn, but also show that in many cases was short, for example, when he says that from 1930 to 1939, the fourth part of the population of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) disappeared in the gulag.
Anyway, dissident or opposition, whatever it is called, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn was primarily a critic who, if put in his sights to the Soviet system was not to curry favor with the West, but with the intention of seeing its best country. One of the reasons for not you can easily label is also criticized calls Western democracies, which he accused of having lost its soul in the process of modernization.
Solzhenitsyn What was it? Perhaps he was a mystic prophet, a visionary embittered by the blindness of his contemporaries, a disillusioned man of the century, a troubled soul for his orphan by birth, by the early death of his mother, by the hunger of his youth and war of adulthood, the political persecution of his life, never satisfied by the hope of seeing his country free of tyrants.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Older Purple Sony Car Amp
The crisis that we have promised to power
De plane, is losing the battle Calderoncito crime, organized either on the powerful drug cartels, which is dedicated to the juicy kidnapping industry or even the mere amateur crime, the assailants made up raterillos and freelance , many of whom , as the ancient mercenaries, put their skills to serve the same police who should be fighting them, in exchange for protection.
FeCalHin The other fronts are more encouraging: the campaign to convince us that we better sell our little treasure before we steal it remains stalled. In another country in our continent, the sharp oil price allows the frog Mussolini Hugo Chavez will become entrenched in power, perquisites and privileges distributed among his acolytes and, thanks to the subsidy of petrol, it won the popular favor. Elsewhere, with a barrel to 120 dollars apiece, governments are looking at the profitability of the business and we are entering the exploration, extraction and production of crude oil. Ah, but here in Mexiquito are very macho and no economic indicator will come to tell us what to do. So the big battle of the little guy is getting rid of the oil industry just as the global situation of rising oil prices would recommend to hold on to it.
And if on the home front things are color ant and externally are not better. His government and threw the towel in the most serious problem that Mexico with its northern neighbor: the migration (well, emigration and immigration for us for them.) Without a defined policy, without goals to achieve, Los Pinos at the mercy of the whims of the White House, perhaps in hopes of moving in next January, but the evidence suggests that so far, Mexico's migration policy is to understand their San Judith candles to protect the compass in search of better living conditions.
From my viewpoint, that is, seeing life through the TV screen, I feel the reason for such failure: Mexico is a country of constipation. One hundred million peasants unable to meet their needs can no longer gut to produce a shitty country. Well, that judging by the constant bombardment of advertisements for yogurt milagrientos guts to make them work at full speed and as little clock Swiss. And on top of constipated, overweight, because according to this, the happy yogurt ('added' fiber) also have the property to burn fat and reduce size. These advertisers have to think that the body is made of bait and can melt like candle by the simple expedient of submitting to external heat in steam baths or similar, or internal, with pills "fat burners" and other concoction.
Finally, the proposal, of course, so I do not say that constructive criticism: with all that fat that is lost unnecessarily by equipment, diet and exercise, should not make a giant candle, planting 'yes now that Zocalo simply dedicate a saint who had the necessary elements to get us out of hole? I mean, because bet that politicians, parties, law enforcement and other components of the state apparatus would solve this crisis very naive plane. At this point we can not ask for miracles.
De plane, is losing the battle Calderoncito crime, organized either on the powerful drug cartels, which is dedicated to the juicy kidnapping industry or even the mere amateur crime, the assailants made up raterillos and freelance , many of whom , as the ancient mercenaries, put their skills to serve the same police who should be fighting them, in exchange for protection.
FeCalHin The other fronts are more encouraging: the campaign to convince us that we better sell our little treasure before we steal it remains stalled. In another country in our continent, the sharp oil price allows the frog Mussolini Hugo Chavez will become entrenched in power, perquisites and privileges distributed among his acolytes and, thanks to the subsidy of petrol, it won the popular favor. Elsewhere, with a barrel to 120 dollars apiece, governments are looking at the profitability of the business and we are entering the exploration, extraction and production of crude oil. Ah, but here in Mexiquito are very macho and no economic indicator will come to tell us what to do. So the big battle of the little guy is getting rid of the oil industry just as the global situation of rising oil prices would recommend to hold on to it.
And if on the home front things are color ant and externally are not better. His government and threw the towel in the most serious problem that Mexico with its northern neighbor: the migration (well, emigration and immigration for us for them.) Without a defined policy, without goals to achieve, Los Pinos at the mercy of the whims of the White House, perhaps in hopes of moving in next January, but the evidence suggests that so far, Mexico's migration policy is to understand their San Judith candles to protect the compass in search of better living conditions.
From my viewpoint, that is, seeing life through the TV screen, I feel the reason for such failure: Mexico is a country of constipation. One hundred million peasants unable to meet their needs can no longer gut to produce a shitty country. Well, that judging by the constant bombardment of advertisements for yogurt milagrientos guts to make them work at full speed and as little clock Swiss. And on top of constipated, overweight, because according to this, the happy yogurt ('added' fiber) also have the property to burn fat and reduce size. These advertisers have to think that the body is made of bait and can melt like candle by the simple expedient of submitting to external heat in steam baths or similar, or internal, with pills "fat burners" and other concoction.
Finally, the proposal, of course, so I do not say that constructive criticism: with all that fat that is lost unnecessarily by equipment, diet and exercise, should not make a giant candle, planting 'yes now that Zocalo simply dedicate a saint who had the necessary elements to get us out of hole? I mean, because bet that politicians, parties, law enforcement and other components of the state apparatus would solve this crisis very naive plane. At this point we can not ask for miracles.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Anna Griffin Wedding Invitations
Whoever wins the November elections in the United States, the next president be a member of a despised minority: if Obama, being black (okay, mulatto, but still he is considered black), if McCain, by then old, to 72 years who turns 29 in August, was one of the elderly presidents have been there.
Minorities "neglected? What about the civil rights movement of the sixties and the relevant law was enacted that year? And since when the venerable members of the elderly (in the United States call senior citizens, ie senior citizens, if we stick to the etymology of senior , senex comparative , Old) are a despised minority?
face it, at least in the media, the old do not exist. And if they appear, is only to post remedies for erectile dysfunction and other ailments of age. The sector in our time is drawing the youth, because somehow it has cornered the purchasing power and therefore more appealing is the target of marketing.
Age weighs in a world designed to be young. John McCain, aware of this phenomenon, described himself as "Neanderthal" in computing, since confessed that he is able even to use e-mail. Yes, apparently the technology is targeted at young people (and monopolized by them: Bill Gates founded Microsoft at age 19) and, leaving aside the fact that it has become the mark of our civilization, it would be doubtful that such a confessed computer illiterate McCain could be considered the champion of a country that boasts of signal new directions of technology.
Barack Obama, meanwhile, is a client of the Blackberry and, at age 47 that meets this August 4, would be one of the youngest presidents of the United States, where the seriousness of his skin color does not from reaching the White House. You really would be an impediment? That is what will play in this election: the demonstration that American society really believes that his African origin does not affect your ability to lead a country that is collapsing due to the disastrous policies of the current holder of the presidency (George W name . Bush, another computer illiterate 62-year-old, who wanted her out saying that he does know how to use the "Internets.")
McCain supporters, of course, claim that it is not necessary that the veteran Arizona senator personally attend to your Facebook page to lead the country, for that, they say, are the assistants. Moreover, note also that, for reasons of Security is not appropriate that he take care of your mail, mail or on paper. But at least it might prompt greater sensitivity toward people who passes online 16 hours a day and to avoid comments like that was two years ago in South Carolina when he said it was important to communicate with bloggers, "however painful she went. " Of course, this does not prevent you from having your own blog , probably because it has been a consultant has suggested (and some assistant is kept, of course ).
How comprehensive is Obama bloggers? He has not commented specifically on this, but also has your blog page and online community in mind can imagine (this is the Facebook ).
Anyway, things are outlined in black against old, in geeks against Neanderthals, in a minority against another. There is little that is at stake, as the result of this confrontation will affect the entire world. Maybe my cousin Ramiro is right and we should give chance to all to vote in that election.
Whoever wins the November elections in the United States, the next president be a member of a despised minority: if Obama, being black (okay, mulatto, but still he is considered black), if McCain, by then old, to 72 years who turns 29 in August, was one of the elderly presidents have been there.
Minorities "neglected? What about the civil rights movement of the sixties and the relevant law was enacted that year? And since when the venerable members of the elderly (in the United States call senior citizens, ie senior citizens, if we stick to the etymology of senior , senex comparative , Old) are a despised minority?
face it, at least in the media, the old do not exist. And if they appear, is only to post remedies for erectile dysfunction and other ailments of age. The sector in our time is drawing the youth, because somehow it has cornered the purchasing power and therefore more appealing is the target of marketing.
Age weighs in a world designed to be young. John McCain, aware of this phenomenon, described himself as "Neanderthal" in computing, since confessed that he is able even to use e-mail. Yes, apparently the technology is targeted at young people (and monopolized by them: Bill Gates founded Microsoft at age 19) and, leaving aside the fact that it has become the mark of our civilization, it would be doubtful that such a confessed computer illiterate McCain could be considered the champion of a country that boasts of signal new directions of technology.
Barack Obama, meanwhile, is a client of the Blackberry and, at age 47 that meets this August 4, would be one of the youngest presidents of the United States, where the seriousness of his skin color does not from reaching the White House. You really would be an impediment? That is what will play in this election: the demonstration that American society really believes that his African origin does not affect your ability to lead a country that is collapsing due to the disastrous policies of the current holder of the presidency (George W name . Bush, another computer illiterate 62-year-old, who wanted her out saying that he does know how to use the "Internets.")
McCain supporters, of course, claim that it is not necessary that the veteran Arizona senator personally attend to your Facebook page to lead the country, for that, they say, are the assistants. Moreover, note also that, for reasons of Security is not appropriate that he take care of your mail, mail or on paper. But at least it might prompt greater sensitivity toward people who passes online 16 hours a day and to avoid comments like that was two years ago in South Carolina when he said it was important to communicate with bloggers, "however painful she went. " Of course, this does not prevent you from having your own blog , probably because it has been a consultant has suggested (and some assistant is kept, of course ).
How comprehensive is Obama bloggers? He has not commented specifically on this, but also has your blog page and online community in mind can imagine (this is the Facebook ).
Anyway, things are outlined in black against old, in geeks against Neanderthals, in a minority against another. There is little that is at stake, as the result of this confrontation will affect the entire world. Maybe my cousin Ramiro is right and we should give chance to all to vote in that election.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Basketball Banquet Ideas
Balkan Requiem for sex
The Lowdown is, of course, the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, the leader of Serbs in Bosnia during the wars caused by the implosion of Yugoslavia, which was known as the "Butcher of Sarajevo."
psychiatrist by profession, amateur writer (and worst poet, by the way *), Karadzic in Bosnia-Herzegovina embodied the dream of "Greater Serbia" as representative in the late twentieth century of irredentism, the remnant of nineteenth century Woodrow Wilson thought he had removed at the end of the Great War.
camouflaged, however, as they could witness the many victims of the Third Balkan War (more than eighty years after the first two), followed latent nationalism behind the facade of socialism and its society "classless" (and, of course, without differences or national privileges). As a representative mosaic of the crossroads of civilizations, triple hinge uniting Catholic, Orthodox and Muslims, Yugoslavia had a multicultural existence only through the dominance of the ruling League of Communists of Yugoslavia. It disappeared, disappeared also the cohesion as rigorously monitor the eponymous hero of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito. And every people demanded blood and fire that considered him, in what became a veritable slaughter of all against all.
crimes Karadžić not have been possible only in an environment of exalted nationalism and distrust towards others, hatred against anyone would say that was not part of "our." Before that collapse, Sarajevo was known and praised for its multicultural atmosphere for the peaceful coexistence of its three main communities. In the same building families could live together without problems Serb, Croat and Bosnian abounded even intermarriage.
All this disappeared at once, the cry of war proclaimed by Slobodan Milošević, then president of Serbia, collected by Karadžić in turn led to political and military terms by General Ratko Mladic.
We know that history is a great teaser: the three most responsible for the unspeakable tragedy Balkans, Milosevic died in a cell at criminal court established to try war criminals in Yugoslavia, Karadzic managed to evade the hand of justice over twelve years, Mladic, meanwhile, remains at large.
Now that Karadzic's arrest made the news again in the situation in the former Yugoslavia, the question is if they are responsible not only disappeared, but the real causes of this ethnocide fratricide. I think that not enough measures are taken to prevent a similar outbreak, there or anywhere else on the planet. Hatred ancestral, historical mistrust, intolerance to anything that smacks of difference continue incubating until man learns to live in peace with himself.
* To sample this button:
I was born to live without grave
this body will never die
is not only to smell the flowers
but also to burn, kill and reduce to dust.
The Lowdown is, of course, the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, the leader of Serbs in Bosnia during the wars caused by the implosion of Yugoslavia, which was known as the "Butcher of Sarajevo."
psychiatrist by profession, amateur writer (and worst poet, by the way *), Karadzic in Bosnia-Herzegovina embodied the dream of "Greater Serbia" as representative in the late twentieth century of irredentism, the remnant of nineteenth century Woodrow Wilson thought he had removed at the end of the Great War.

camouflaged, however, as they could witness the many victims of the Third Balkan War (more than eighty years after the first two), followed latent nationalism behind the facade of socialism and its society "classless" (and, of course, without differences or national privileges). As a representative mosaic of the crossroads of civilizations, triple hinge uniting Catholic, Orthodox and Muslims, Yugoslavia had a multicultural existence only through the dominance of the ruling League of Communists of Yugoslavia. It disappeared, disappeared also the cohesion as rigorously monitor the eponymous hero of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito. And every people demanded blood and fire that considered him, in what became a veritable slaughter of all against all.
crimes Karadžić not have been possible only in an environment of exalted nationalism and distrust towards others, hatred against anyone would say that was not part of "our." Before that collapse, Sarajevo was known and praised for its multicultural atmosphere for the peaceful coexistence of its three main communities. In the same building families could live together without problems Serb, Croat and Bosnian abounded even intermarriage.
All this disappeared at once, the cry of war proclaimed by Slobodan Milošević, then president of Serbia, collected by Karadžić in turn led to political and military terms by General Ratko Mladic.
We know that history is a great teaser: the three most responsible for the unspeakable tragedy Balkans, Milosevic died in a cell at criminal court established to try war criminals in Yugoslavia, Karadzic managed to evade the hand of justice over twelve years, Mladic, meanwhile, remains at large.
Now that Karadzic's arrest made the news again in the situation in the former Yugoslavia, the question is if they are responsible not only disappeared, but the real causes of this ethnocide fratricide. I think that not enough measures are taken to prevent a similar outbreak, there or anywhere else on the planet. Hatred ancestral, historical mistrust, intolerance to anything that smacks of difference continue incubating until man learns to live in peace with himself.
* To sample this button:
I was born to live without grave
this body will never die
is not only to smell the flowers
but also to burn, kill and reduce to dust.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sample Lease Expiration Letter
Gender Seeking solace
In English, the kind of words do not always agree with the sex of the things they design. For example, member is a masculine word, but may appoint a woman. A film star can be male, regardless the word is feminine. And, of course, person belongs to the female gender but to appoint a man, woman or any intermediate category (that is, oh, yeah! Sure there).
However, buenaondez that invades from the north wants us to be correct when speaking and avoid insulting people calling as required by the grammar. Thus emerged the cumbersome periphrasis of the type [(masculine noun) + (feminine noun)], so fashionable during the Fox administration, which proliferated kids and little girls.
But there is a hint of modesty. For example, when a man described may say: "I am a kind, loyal and very friendly", without realizing that the agreement requires sympathetic corresponds to the gender (not sex) of the qualifying word, ie person . In fact, it should say it's nice . Of course, for our male moustached unthinkable apply an adjective in the feminine. Do not go to waste eggs by walking appearing as if it were part of viejerío!
This difference between grammatical gender and biological sex seems to go unnoticed by the militants of the equality of the sexes, who insist on speaking of "gender" when want to refer to relations between the sexes or, more specifically, submission to the situation where the woman is with men.
course, is part of the dominant buenaondez dictionary neglect these problems. After all, what matters is the substance, not form, and that to walk looking at the words used seem displays of pettiness, narrow-mindedness and purity of date.
But personally, I think the problem is reversed. If language is a product of society that uses it, insist on changing it without changing the designated reality is, indeed, a mere exercise in rhetoric. What good is raising in his address to the "citizens" when in reality they are so marginalized as ever?
In English, the kind of words do not always agree with the sex of the things they design. For example, member is a masculine word, but may appoint a woman. A film star can be male, regardless the word is feminine. And, of course, person belongs to the female gender but to appoint a man, woman or any intermediate category (that is, oh, yeah! Sure there).
However, buenaondez that invades from the north wants us to be correct when speaking and avoid insulting people calling as required by the grammar. Thus emerged the cumbersome periphrasis of the type [(masculine noun) + (feminine noun)], so fashionable during the Fox administration, which proliferated kids and little girls.
But there is a hint of modesty. For example, when a man described may say: "I am a kind, loyal and very friendly", without realizing that the agreement requires sympathetic corresponds to the gender (not sex) of the qualifying word, ie person . In fact, it should say it's nice . Of course, for our male moustached unthinkable apply an adjective in the feminine. Do not go to waste eggs by walking appearing as if it were part of viejerío!
This difference between grammatical gender and biological sex seems to go unnoticed by the militants of the equality of the sexes, who insist on speaking of "gender" when want to refer to relations between the sexes or, more specifically, submission to the situation where the woman is with men.
course, is part of the dominant buenaondez dictionary neglect these problems. After all, what matters is the substance, not form, and that to walk looking at the words used seem displays of pettiness, narrow-mindedness and purity of date.
But personally, I think the problem is reversed. If language is a product of society that uses it, insist on changing it without changing the designated reality is, indeed, a mere exercise in rhetoric. What good is raising in his address to the "citizens" when in reality they are so marginalized as ever?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
How Much Does Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Cost
The repetition of the issues do not indicate a lack of originality but persistence of obsessions: time, space and everything that happens between the two. Caught in the cross frames go from one point to another wondering what comes next. Admit it: it is a humbling experience for the 'king of creation. " Given this ignorance, we submit to anyone who will offer us even a glimmer of consolation at least, teachers, spiritual guides and gurus, and in despair, any charlatan who promises to solve our anguish. Van
Friday, June 27, 2008
Starter Men's Compression Pants

For my part, this week, although in theory should be intense raqueteo, I've been practicing the sport of couch, stepping on the court. My colleagues and have been very busy or are nursing, so I could not play. Let's see if I reset the next week, as they leave more expensive chips and beers balls: this love is leading me to ruin.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
How To Get Out Of A Roller Tycoon 3 Helicopter
Surprises at Wimbledon Literary Theory I Success at any price
He never stops writing. If there are books published, is because the author gets tired of reviewing, gives up in the endless process not only to eliminate errors but also improve their work. Every book published is a confession of that defeat, rather than trying to make the perfect novel , aspiration is to make another attempt to find other characters, other situations, other patterns that best express what he meant.
course, the first problem the author is to clarify what he means. The second is to find a way to say it. And third, as said, realize if you said it or not, whether it has achieved its objective, if you have to write 500 pages more to express the idea.
For reasons that are irrelevant here, about thirteen years ago I started writing some notes that, over time, I got the idea that they might form a novel. These notes and the idea survived various upheavals in my life: a trip abroad, several moves (four to be exact, over four years), breakup, job crisis, unemployment, and intermittent depression with varying degrees of depth.
However, it was only when I realize in a few words the theme of the novel when I could devote myself seriously to write. And finish. That is, terminate it after several months of revisions. The result satisfied me, and comments from those who have had the goodness to read it in draft form, also appears to be satisfactory for others. What this further at the moment is in limbo.
He proudly displays the work abandoned.
He never stops writing. If there are books published, is because the author gets tired of reviewing, gives up in the endless process not only to eliminate errors but also improve their work. Every book published is a confession of that defeat, rather than trying to make the perfect novel , aspiration is to make another attempt to find other characters, other situations, other patterns that best express what he meant.
course, the first problem the author is to clarify what he means. The second is to find a way to say it. And third, as said, realize if you said it or not, whether it has achieved its objective, if you have to write 500 pages more to express the idea.
For reasons that are irrelevant here, about thirteen years ago I started writing some notes that, over time, I got the idea that they might form a novel. These notes and the idea survived various upheavals in my life: a trip abroad, several moves (four to be exact, over four years), breakup, job crisis, unemployment, and intermittent depression with varying degrees of depth.
However, it was only when I realize in a few words the theme of the novel when I could devote myself seriously to write. And finish. That is, terminate it after several months of revisions. The result satisfied me, and comments from those who have had the goodness to read it in draft form, also appears to be satisfactory for others. What this further at the moment is in limbo.

He proudly displays the work abandoned.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Cover Red Skin Blemishes
all know that computing is a very complicated job, which involves many variables, any of which may fail and cause the desired process is not carried out. Therefore it is understood that computólogos and his acolytes want to make sure each step is carried out as scheduled. And one way to ensure that, of course, is with the redundancy in language. Thus, not enough to say that such and such a process performed, but they have to say that was "successful" to be convinced that, despite all their bungling, they achieved what they intended.
course, that as for the twisted mind of computólogo is essential to stay calm, to ordinary mortals is absurd. For example, copying a file from one folder to another and at the end of the process, see the following message: "The file was successfully copied." Go! In reality, tell me you copied the file, I understand that things went well. I would not doubt that there are actually copied, but the operation failed *. And when in doubt, may revise the target folder to verify that the file was there. If success is defined as a successful outcome, such as getting what you want, then there's this: I wanted to copy the file and copied it. It annoys me too much that I even congratulated for having succeeded in my endeavor.
One possibility: I copy the file, but it was not copied successfully. What does that mean? If a text document, for example, may lose a few paragraphs on the road, or fell off the accents around or chance until he lost consciousness, and reading it, I realize that it is a nonsense, far from their original intent. That might explain the inconsistencies that suddenly we see out there. Read a book like Christopher unborn and think, "Aha, Carlitos copied the file from your novel, but not copied successfully, why not understandable at all."
* This reminds me a contrario sensu, the joke that the doctor who announces to the family that the operation was a success but the patient died.
The Notorious Shelly Online
Power Vampire knights
The war on drugs is a losing battle. And it will be until they are addressing the drug problem in its dual dimension: as an illegal market phenomenon and as a symptom of decay of societies.
Up Now, the efforts of all countries have been aimed at combating drug trafficking. But, like any other commercial phenomenon, drug trafficking, no matter how illegal it is intended, however outlaw it and however you want it to be considered anathema, promptly complies with the laws of the market and that, while guiding our globalized world can not eradicate it.
Drug trafficking is one of the most lucrative businesses on the planet, perhaps the best industry after arms and drugs. Why do you want to fight an industry that produces billions of dollars a year, employs hundreds of thousands of people and, finally, distributes a product which is claimed by millions of consumers?
having regard to the poor results of advertising campaigns - "Say no to drugs" in Mexico as he traced the "Just Say No" to Nancy Reagan, institutes and agencies to fight drug traffickers & # 151; the National Institute to Combat Drugs and Narcotics Directorate-Americans, given the failure of civilian and military response to the above question is that nobody really wants to fight drug trafficking.
Drug trafficking is like vampires: their great power is that nobody believes in them until they fall victim to its allure. Any reference to corruption it produces is rejected by mendacious and dismissed as an attack on the institutions, such as injury to the country, as intentional attack of the eternal enemies.
With the huge profits of the sale of drugs, not hard to imagine what their powers of seduction. The drug buy consciences, silences scruples, establishing loyalties, imposes silence and just dictating her will from the shadows. No one who comes near pristine return.
But is the other side of the drug: its character as a symptom of decay of a society, a refuge of desperate, sewer, would be tempted to say, where they shed and the disappointments and frustrations combine of increasingly larger, more diversified.
If the global market imposes its rules and not allow the eradication of drug trafficking, the ideology that carries with it allows, if not exaltation consumption. The profit quickly and easily pursued in the market translates into instantaneous and fleeting pleasure to be enjoyed with drugs.
Drug trafficking and all its culture are closely interwoven in the consumer society, the market ideology, the mentality of "not traded no-go, the lack of prospects in this new millennium, the notion that and finished the story and there is no nothing to do. This is the network that holds out the vampire and threatens to infect all.
The war on drugs is a losing battle. And it will be until they are addressing the drug problem in its dual dimension: as an illegal market phenomenon and as a symptom of decay of societies.
Up Now, the efforts of all countries have been aimed at combating drug trafficking. But, like any other commercial phenomenon, drug trafficking, no matter how illegal it is intended, however outlaw it and however you want it to be considered anathema, promptly complies with the laws of the market and that, while guiding our globalized world can not eradicate it.
Drug trafficking is one of the most lucrative businesses on the planet, perhaps the best industry after arms and drugs. Why do you want to fight an industry that produces billions of dollars a year, employs hundreds of thousands of people and, finally, distributes a product which is claimed by millions of consumers?
having regard to the poor results of advertising campaigns - "Say no to drugs" in Mexico as he traced the "Just Say No" to Nancy Reagan, institutes and agencies to fight drug traffickers & # 151; the National Institute to Combat Drugs and Narcotics Directorate-Americans, given the failure of civilian and military response to the above question is that nobody really wants to fight drug trafficking.
Drug trafficking is like vampires: their great power is that nobody believes in them until they fall victim to its allure. Any reference to corruption it produces is rejected by mendacious and dismissed as an attack on the institutions, such as injury to the country, as intentional attack of the eternal enemies.
With the huge profits of the sale of drugs, not hard to imagine what their powers of seduction. The drug buy consciences, silences scruples, establishing loyalties, imposes silence and just dictating her will from the shadows. No one who comes near pristine return.
But is the other side of the drug: its character as a symptom of decay of a society, a refuge of desperate, sewer, would be tempted to say, where they shed and the disappointments and frustrations combine of increasingly larger, more diversified.
If the global market imposes its rules and not allow the eradication of drug trafficking, the ideology that carries with it allows, if not exaltation consumption. The profit quickly and easily pursued in the market translates into instantaneous and fleeting pleasure to be enjoyed with drugs.
Drug trafficking and all its culture are closely interwoven in the consumer society, the market ideology, the mentality of "not traded no-go, the lack of prospects in this new millennium, the notion that and finished the story and there is no nothing to do. This is the network that holds out the vampire and threatens to infect all.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
How To Get Rid Of Dandruff And Lice Asap
Every game brings us back to childhood, this time in our lives where predominantly playful ("natural?) Of man. Playing identity change: a broom makes us cowboys, closed fist with index finger extended, in police, a video game about anything that he can present the display.
The game is something to be taken seriously. Even if we put the rules ("The strainer is the goal"), once established, are as inviolable as those enshrined in the constitution. Any attempt violate the rules is viewed with disfavour by the others because it is against the nature of the game. Learn to play is able to follow rules.
Needless to say, the most popular games are those with the simpler rules and requiring less accoutrements. A fairly flat surface, any round object and a number of players more or less evenly divided into two teams allows us to take a Fucho peel. The same surface, divided in two by a network, complemented by a pair of racquets and ball lends itself to playing tennis. Did someone say tennis?
Playing tennis requires a high degree of sportsmanship. If a racquet with the guys, not only to perform as a player, but also as a judge, sometimes against their own interests. Yes, there are those who falsely claims that his return stung on the line or the service of others dropped out, but that attitude just by removing it from the others, who prefer to play with those who have no trouble accepting his own mistakes and successes of others or at least they have the generosity necessary to repeat a moot point.
course, in tournaments there is always the judge, whose verdict is final, even though the player feel like they are being trampled on their economic interests (losing a point can mean losing hundreds of thousands of dollars) and its reputation as a good tennis player . In some tournaments with advanced technological equipment which reproduce the trajectory of the ball and clear without doubt when the ball fell inside or outside.
But the ball falls out is not the only case. As shown in the following example, a point may be canceled if there is another ball on the court (Rule 23): the chair umpire she sings "let" and the point is repeated.
Sure, Maria Shaparova exclaim "Are you fucking kidding me?" When the judge decides to terminate the point that had just lost his rival, is something that is not covered by the regulations, but rather in the rules of etiquette. In the end, however, and admonished the Sharapova beat France's Camille Pin in the Australia Open 2007. And, gentlemen or not, must recognize that occasionally drop an interjection of that size is of great benefit to the spirit.
Monday, June 9, 2008
B Movie Filmed In Stuttgart
been all year so far outreach translating medical texts, and not well understand the House when he starts to discuss technicalities with their lackeys. Why a series about a clown-doctor so that I'm sure that very few understand, is so successful? Mysteries of life.
Another of the great mysteries that haunt me these days is precisely the of medicine, probably under the influence of my work. I am bound by contract not to disclose details of what I translate, but I can not do in public this question, because after reading so many things, the question keeps me awake. What is it exactly that heals us? Read the instructions that come with medicines, and other instructional brochure does not help. I just say that the ointment, pill, syrup, ointment and other concoction help in treatment. Do they help? Who will help?
The barber cut off our hair and helps pea. The daddy gives the mass and the acolyte helps. The surgeon operates and nurse us helps. The notary draws up some scripts and helps pasantito. That is clear. But you have athlete's foot and be cured. Go to the pharmacy, ask for some specific, the first thing the box says is that it is an auxiliary in the treatment of mycosis. Damn! I do not want a mere auxiliary, I the real thing! It is as if they want to settle for a blessed one Mass said by the acolyte.

been all year so far outreach translating medical texts, and not well understand the House when he starts to discuss technicalities with their lackeys. Why a series about a clown-doctor so that I'm sure that very few understand, is so successful? Mysteries of life.
Another of the great mysteries that haunt me these days is precisely the of medicine, probably under the influence of my work. I am bound by contract not to disclose details of what I translate, but I can not do in public this question, because after reading so many things, the question keeps me awake. What is it exactly that heals us? Read the instructions that come with medicines, and other instructional brochure does not help. I just say that the ointment, pill, syrup, ointment and other concoction help in treatment. Do they help? Who will help?
The barber cut off our hair and helps pea. The daddy gives the mass and the acolyte helps. The surgeon operates and nurse us helps. The notary draws up some scripts and helps pasantito. That is clear. But you have athlete's foot and be cured. Go to the pharmacy, ask for some specific, the first thing the box says is that it is an auxiliary in the treatment of mycosis. Damn! I do not want a mere auxiliary, I the real thing! It is as if they want to settle for a blessed one Mass said by the acolyte.
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