Again the Memorial
temporarily away from each of these writing exercises some posts disproportionate call and when you refresh, you realize that no where. In recent months things have been ant color (not to say that the future is black, so they do not think I'm making a joke easy as pie at the expense of the next occupant of the White House): a financial crisis, we announce Media joyful to find such similarity is the worst since the 1929 crisis that opened the door to the Great Depression, a country that is falling apart in your hands spurious inept leadership, a better organized crime that the state forces to combat it, a plane crash that given the quality of their victims, says it has more overtones of attack. And of course, note, not the day or week, but more than half a century (if we date the birth of the civil rights movement in America with the Rosa Parks incident, on 1 December 1955): a black man for president of the United States.
course, as already outlined in a previous note, Obama is more mestizo and black identity is something that he himself proposed to acquire, it was not until his college years when he was in contact with "a true black." Anyway, the American people has led to the highest office in the country represents a significant advance in the mentality of a nation founded on slavery and segregation.
His victory, however, not only due to his charisma and his message of hope. Was largely based on Dobleú serious blunders in their lies to take the country to war in Iraq, abuses of power covered under the banner of the "war on terror" in his Olympian disdain for the middle class Forgotten in favor of the big bourgeoisie, that 5% of the population holds 40% of the country's wealth. But let's be clear: if the errors Bush would have affected not only "from afar", the average American could continue to support it in the name of patriotism and national security. Ah, but when that same blunder he hits the pocket, when the man in the street is reduced prospects of financial survival by 30% or 40% when left homeless when their retirement pension will become smoke through the fingers that's when he begins to wonder if there will be more prudent to bet on the hope of change to the continuity of the crisis.
Wait, do not live in such a change Mexiquito eight years ago when we took the PRI de Los Pinos? Well, that analysis should be undertaken later, more calmly.
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