Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Asperger's Syndrome Pilot Licence

Solzhenitsyn talacha

criticize the editors of Le Monde to the AFP for having called the newly deceased dissident Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, stating that the term should apply to them is to opponent. And explain that, although relational meaning between two words there is a difference that should be noted: the maverick is "the critical part of a system or a movement of ideas."

However, Solzhenitsyn himself was a dissident, to the extent that, at least before being a political prisoner, he shared ideals and common values \u200b\u200bwhich put him in jail and exile were his views on Stalin, whom he considered "evil ideologue and strategist worse." That itself was revealed as a dissident, and walk expressing their views in a personal letter he sent to a friend from the front of East Prussia, was considered a traitor and sentenced to eight years in prison. Leaves no wonder that, in the midst of war (well, almost at the end, as this was in February 1945), Stalin and his henchmen had time to groom walking behavior of others in search of opinions contrary to official canon. In any case, if death is the maximum loss that may sustain life, Solzhenitsyn has to be elated to get out of jail the same day that Stalin died on 5 March 1953.

was released from prison, but was not free: the labor camps "corrective" (administered by an agency whose acronym gave the title to one of his best known works, The Gulag Archipelago ) was sent into internal exile in Kazakhstan . While there he was diagnosed with cancer that nearly cost him his life. In addition, the year prior to his departure from the labor camps, his wife, so supportive she filed for divorce. With so many hits is it that Solzhenitsyn has left his political ravings and it became deeply religious.

Then in 1962 came the publication of A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich , registered political maneuvering by Nikita Khrushchev to accelerate the process of de-Stalinization. But for his next book, Cancer Ward in 1965, Nikita was history and the Union of Soviet Writers was censured him rudely.

The publication history of the Gulag Archipelago is a real ray of Soviet control methods. Written from 1958 to 1968, towards the end of the work was kidnapped by the KGB. Well, one of the copies that existed was abducted, before that had been smuggled out and taken to Switzerland, where it was published in 1973. His impact was enormous in the West, if While the left derided as anti-Soviet propaganda.

The fall of the Soviet Union and the opening of its secret archives confirm not only the veracity of Solzhenitsyn, but also show that in many cases was short, for example, when he says that from 1930 to 1939, the fourth part of the population of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) disappeared in the gulag.

Anyway, dissident or opposition, whatever it is called, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn was primarily a critic who, if put in his sights to the Soviet system was not to curry favor with the West, but with the intention of seeing its best country. One of the reasons for not you can easily label is also criticized calls Western democracies, which he accused of having lost its soul in the process of modernization.

Solzhenitsyn What was it? Perhaps he was a mystic prophet, a visionary embittered by the blindness of his contemporaries, a disillusioned man of the century, a troubled soul for his orphan by birth, by the early death of his mother, by the hunger of his youth and war of adulthood, the political persecution of his life, never satisfied by the hope of seeing his country free of tyrants.


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