Ica Both authorities attended the town center cañetano to give away school supplies and haircuts to children studying in school they manage there.
About 30 people gathered to receive support and be benefited by the "solidarity assistance" that just happens when some authorities had cañetanas Friday scheduled to make similar donations to students in the IEP
Tempers were exasperated when the mayor approached the scene of the town center Joaquin Ayala who got "face" by claiming that they were in areas of the province of Cañete, prompting some people booed and hissed him.
Minutes later the mayor was present in the province of Cañete, Mary Montoya Conde
Even in the southern delegation Chincha were several journalists were limited only to shoot from a distance but did not stop to interview the mayor and tell him straight cañetana what they think as they do in their radio and television programs in Chincha.
What was learned is that the regional president of Ica has committed to support more strongly with the understanding that works and achieve accept the sympathy and support of the people settled in the area.
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