Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Is My Bearded Dragons Lip Curled Out


Today's update is dedicated to one of my students math ... For Reuben with all my love. Ruben passed the 1 st assessment of math and every day you release me I teach the same refrain:

- Ana, I've put anything on the blog and I passed the math and leave you a comment ... but I never put anything! Okay

kid! you've earned it! ... Now I just hope that I approve the second assessment and of course the third ... Did you clear?, Lol.

And Reuben and became an expert at solving the equations and to "separate pears for apples", I'm sure be able to resolve a question that I have myself:

Well, one day Reuben and myself went to pick apples. Back home, each with their own apples, Ruben told me,

- Ana, if you give me a we both like apple.

To which I replied:

- Ruben course, but if you give me one to me I'll double you.

Ruben took How many apples? ... How many apples I picked?

For a great student, Reuben, with all my love.

PD / The truth is that while I was writing the entry is not able to prevent two girls sit next to me and staring at me, lol. So will also insert the commands input to UMa and Chamali because otherwise I will get nothing

get mad

Words: Ana Serrano
Images: From Internet, Zeta and Ana Lorena Serrano


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