Mira, Zaide,
notice you do not spend on my street,
or speak with my servants, nor to my captive
not ask what I understand,
or who comes to visit, or what parties
give me taste, or what colors I
pleasure. Just
because of you that leave me in the face, run
Moor have looked so little known.
confess that you are brave, that cleaves
, rajas and parts,
and more Christians have died
you have drops of blood.
That you are dashing horseman
to dance, sing and Tanes, well-bred gentleman
As you can imagine. White and blond
elucidated lineage
the cock of the bluster
cream of pleasantries.
I lose a lot to lose, I win a lot
and, if you were born mute, adoring
And for this inconvenience
determined to leave you, you are prodigal
language and sour your frivolities.
will need to wear
who wishes to maintain you,
a fortress in the chest and lips
a warden. Much can
with the ladies
heartthrobs of your parties, because they want spirited
that cleave and tear.
More with this, Zaide friend
if they make a feast, plate
your favors
want to eat and shut up. Expensive
was that I did;
whether to retain knew, and knew
make me.
But just came out of the gardens
when you made of yours and my
misery boast. A morillo
bastard taught me
said braid my hair
to put you in the turban.
ask me not return, nor
or save it;
but I want you to understand, Moor,
that you bring my misfortune. I am also certified
how he defied
for the truths he said;
were never true. Reluctantly
donoso what nonsense!
you do not keep your secret,
! You want someone else to save?
admit I do not want excuses;
back to warn you again:
that this is the season
you see me and talk to you. He said the discreet
the proud Abencerraje Zaida,
and leave replies:
who may do, that such pay.
Words: Lope de Vega
Picture: Internet
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