Friday, March 18, 2011

Lock And Dam Fees Arkansas River

Dad and know him and know him not long ago I dedicated an entry in this blog: TO MY FATHER (Dodsworth)
Today, with the permission of all, I return to dedicate a post. He I owe what I am and I am proud to have him always by my side. And I admire above all the grandeur and simplicity of his soul.
I want to wish a happy day to all and especially to all the Josephs. Josefas, Pepes, Nuggets, Maria Joses, and of course to all parents. And a very special memory for everyone that life took from his father's hands.

Words: Ana Serrano


I have in the home a single sovereign
who worships my soul;
is its crown-haired,
honor is his law and under his guidance.

In slow hours of misery and grief filled
strong and manly constancy,
keep the faith with which I spoke of heaven
in the first few hours of my childhood.

Prohibition's bitter and sadness in his soul opened
incurable wound
is old and carries in his head
the dusty road of life. Go

fierce storms of the world, the fate
miserable hours,
and passes, as Christ the Tiberias
standing on the hours curled.

Dry your tears, your pain is silent,
and only his eyes fixed duty, collects

thorns and flowers spilled on the path laid out for their children.

She said: "Whoever is good, bitterness ever
her cheeks wet with tears:
in the world the chance
flower at the slightest blow leaves are removed.

"Do good without fear of sacrifice,
man has to fight serene strong, and is
who hates evil and vice
a bed of roses in death.

"If you are poor, be content and be good;
if you're rich, it protects the poor,
and the same in your home than in the outside
save your honor to live honest.

"loves liberty, free is the man and his judge
more severe the conscience as much as you honor
save your name,
for my name and my honor to be your inheritance."
This code, in my soul could, since I heard it
be recorded;
in all storms was my shield,
of all storms has saved me.

My father is in his look serene
true reflection of his honest conscience;
much loving and good advice
surprised in the glare of his eyes!

The nobility of the soul is the nobility, the glory of duty
is his glory;
is poor but their poverty
holds the largest page in its history.

As the worship of my soul your love,
as luck would have to honor his name,
out love child who inspired me the most sacred
inspiration of man. I

heaven singing
always inspires me with love eyes to see,
and all the verses of my lyre
these are worthy of its name.

Words: Juan de Dios Peza
Image: Ana Serranao


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